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Todays course (the cause of the dragonfish counters)

Author: Time:2021-11-1035 second

Information summary:  Todays course (the cause of the dragonfish counters)Dragonfish counters, refers to the fishermans fiscal machine, which is expressed as the head of the dragon...., sarah yan li, Anyone use S1 to quarantined feeders?, sun tanning, blackpink舞蹈视频.Todays course (the cause of the dragonfish counters)

  Todays course (the cause of the dragonfish counters)Dragonfish counters, refers to the fishermans fiscal machine, which is expressed as the head of the dragon fish, while the tail is up, and the dragon fish is over 45 degrees.





  So, what are the causes of dragonfish counters?

  (1) Agent caused by pressure imbalance during transportation

  Sleef fish in transport is relatively common.During transportation, the dragonfish is usually packaged in the package, the packaging bag is relatively small, and can only ensure that the dragonfish live in the water, but cant give the dragonfish enough activity space.The dragonfish will fully swim, narrow space makes the body of the dragonfish are restricted, and this is very easy to have a phenomenon.





  (2) The water temperature is too low to cause dragonfish sudden counters

  Dragonfish is a very sensitive fish species, and there is any change in space that has survived.The highlight of the temperature or pH must cause the dragonfish discomfort.If the water temperature is too low, the dragonfish will appear uncomfortable, there will be possible in sudden counters.

  Treatment: The possibility of cure is small, and can be maintained for a period of time by physical fixing method.





  (3) Change the water change cylinder and other indispensable environment and the dragonfish is frightened and violently swayed into the cylinder.

  The fish is the role of the dragonfish body to maintain a balanced, and when the fish is problem, the balance status of the dragonfish is uncomfortable, just like a dragon fish.Therefore, when feeding tiger, it must be taken to avoid the injury of the dragonfish fish, such as the dragonfly, because the environment is not suitable, and hurts the fish.





  (4) Decrease the amount of exercise

  Prevention: Increase the amount of dragon fish in daily feeding, can induce or increase the wave pump in the cylinder to promote the steam of dragonfish

  Treatment: Appropriately use only the fish of the bodhead to surpass, and reasonably control the switching time of the wave pump, which provides a more spacious living environment to the dragonfish.





  (5) Dragonfish abdominal water leads to a bold

  Prevention: Longfish ascis is mainly because of the food that is not clean or downtown when feeding, so in daily feeding, the feeder should carefully clean the dragonfish food in advance, and deal with the sharp part of the food.Such as shrimp swords, so that the dragon fish esophageal is not hurt, but also avoided the bowel enteritis, ascites and the countersight.

  Treatment: Due to the treatment of the treatment from the torizer of the leisure, the condition is not seriously used. If the condition is serious, it is necessary to extract the water of the dragonfish abdomen with a clean syringe.





  (6) Water quality leads to a counters

  Prevention: In daily feeding, the dragonfish should provide a superior living environment, and should be trapped before changing water to avoid excessive gammonish in water.

  Treatment: Check the water quality, find problems and improve water quality through a small amount of multiple times, but it is worth noting that the adjustment should pay attention to the change in water temperature, pH value, etc., do not suddenly change dragon, then dragonsFish has adverse effects.Feeding, enterproduces, galvanoxia, hydrochloride, can be treated!





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