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Okinawa ich in my aro

+60 12 335 1568

Okinawa ich in my aro


ich in my aro

1month ago I introduced My 45cm HB to new tank and he stopped eating until yesterday , now he eats SW.. today I saw some white spots on his head and cotton like things on down side of his mouth..
He eats well, I raised temperature to 31and added 1gr salt per litre. .
Is it enough or its necessary to use contra spot drugs.. I afraid if I use drug he stops eating again..
Do I have to waite to see what happens or its better to treat whit drug?
Any picture, bro
>Originally Posted by KongSK Any picture, bro I can see them difficulty, they are not visible in photo..
If I add drug he will stop eating right?
I have Tetra contra spot , if he wont im ok with adding drug
>Add salt n heater is sufficient unless it worsen then med need to be considered.
>Dont put salt if you got Rays in the tank.
>Usually add salt and raise temperature to 32 degrees Celsius will help to cure. For serious case then would need medication specially formulated for aros.
>What do u think about salt bath (15gr per litre for 30 minutes) ?!
>Try asking taking photo and going to fish shop. But remember cheap does not mean good. Good does not mean expensive
>This is arowana, not gold fish.
Normal salt and on heater will do and monitor. Got to be patient.
And what is your water change regime?
>Tnx bros..
Problem resolved by increasing temperature to 32° and 8 gr/litre salt for a week..
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